

Brite was set up by Sectorlight as a clinic for brand relevance.

Why your brand exists, who it connects with, what is its market, how it communicates and how your principles translate into a customer journey people want to experience.

From a desktop appraisal and analysis, to research that allows us to shed some insight on your target audience and market trends, all the way up to a deep dive audit into your brand strategy or special report into your chosen topic. Asking the questions that you need to stay relevant and answering the challenges that will power up your brand.

A clinic for brand relevance. What you need to stay front and centre for your audience and step ahead of the competition. Broken down, our key factors are: Brand, Relationships, Insights, Tactical, Experience.


Why does this brand or place exist, beyond profit? Appraise the current proposition through the Sectorlight strategic framework: Purpose, promise, pillars, tone, and manifesto. Is there market differentiation in the articulation of the project’s USP’s


Who are you looking to make a connection with? Audience profiling based on agent feedback and client segmentation to understand who your audience are and they will choose the brand. Using desktop research we define your target audience and their consumer behaviours.


What’s the market doing, and how are developers and their brands responding? Market trends and competitor analysis. We identify relevant market insights to guide brand differentiation with demographic influencers.


Do you have a strategy or a list of deliverables? We look at how you launch your brand(s), the marketing campaigns, chosen channels and content plan. We look for a plan that maps out the go-to-market strategy. Above the line advertising, social, and PR.


Principles to engage with that gives your customer a journey to join. From initial concept to walking through a show apartment. What experience do you want to give your audience to influence their decision making? We report on how you build the brand experience.


Our expertise